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 F.No.137/99/2011-Service Tax

Government of India

Ministry of Finance

Department of Revenue

Central Board of Excise & Customs


New Delhi, dated the 30th August, 2013

Order No: 4/2013-Service Tax


            In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-rule(4) of rule 7 of the Service Tax Rules, 1994, the Central Board of Excise & Customs hereby extends the date of submission of the  Form ST-3  for the period from 1st October 2012 to 31st March 2013, from 31st August, 2013 to  10th September, 2013.

            The circumstances of a special nature, which have given rise to this extension of time, are as follows:  

            “ Difficulties have been faced by  assessees in uploading the offline utilities”.

 Himani Bhayana

Under Secretary (Service Tax)

Central Board of Excise and Customs




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