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                                                                                                                                      We are leading firm of Indian chartered accountants, corporate financial advisors and tax consultants in India providing a wide range of accounting and financial services to clients in India, USA and UK relating to company formation in India, private limited company formation, public limited company formation, online accounting, corporate finance matters, foreign investment in India.


     • Company Formation in India
• Starting Business in India
• Foreign Investment Approvals
• Corporate Compliance
• Accounts Outsourcing
• Auditing
• Business Taxation
• Transfer Pricing
• STPI Consultancy
India- the emerging market

India surpasses all other countries in its capacity to hold businesses of any kind. Thanks to the 1.5 billion population in which more than 300 million belong to the educated middle class. Surprisingly, there remains 70% of the entire population of India untapped, giving a golden opportunity to foreign investors. The stable financial market and the powerful judiciary are the additional factors that encourage many foreign entrepreneurs to set up their bases in India.
The investment-friendly land

The Government of India has long realized the potential of the land to emerge as the leader in the global economy. Being a powerful member in the WTO, India is recognized by many foreign countries that take deep interest in flourishing in this land of opportunities. The government gives a lot of emphasis to foreign investment sector, calling foreign investors to invest their money in order to improve the business and at the same time to build a healthy relationship between the two countries. With a view to these, a lot of developmental activities such as improving the infrastructure of the entire country have been carried out in the recent past. Above that is the investor-friendly policies adopted by the recent governments with complete focus given to the economical empowerment of the country. The government now allows 100% foreign equity in many sectors, apart from allowing special investment benefits for certain selected areas of businesses including power, software, and many export-oriented businesses.
     Our firm provides services to meet your needs in the areas of taxes, accounting, auditing and advisory services. The services are designed to assist you to meet legal or regulatory filing (compliance) requirements as well as planning of improvement of current operations.
    We provide a full range of personal taxation and corporate tax services. Self assessment and the changes surrounding it has necessitated considerable development of our own system to enable  competitively priced services to be developed despite the increased burden on the tax payer. We maintain a comprehensive library and keep ourselves upto date in order to be able to provide advice swiftly and accurately. It is important to us that we keep ahead in forcasting your tax liabilities using our tax computation system.
     We also provide special services to NRI’s for their tax  Planning.
We have qualified staff to guide and plan out individual taxes by properly investing and getting maximum tax rebates according to the prevalent rate of tax.
      Audits are carved out in accordance with legal requirements of Indian law and professional  standards (those set up by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India). The indepth knowledge and understanding gained of each clients business is used to identify other ways in which they can be assisted.
     Through continuous development of our techniques, we aim to provide an efficient audit service for all   clients. The development process enables us to keep abreast of new legislative requirements, to ensure freshness in our audit approach and to maximise the benefits of our reports to our clients.
    Internal Audit
    We conduct internal audits covering various aspects of the organisation, individual departments in the organisation on a periodic basis to facilitate checks on the progress of the firm from time to time.

We carry out cost effective audits for small and medium sized entities and have over the years acquired an expertise in effectively executing special assignments. Our audit and assurance services include:
• Statutory audit
• Tax audit
• Surprise audits
• Special purpose audits
• Regulatory approvals
• Management/Internal/Operational/System audits
• Special/ Investigation assignments
• ERP implementation
• Management Information System (MIS) development
• Review and establishment of costing systems
• Risk assurance
• Internal control reviews
• Tax withholding
• Payroll management
• Accounting
• Secretarial services
• Representation
D.   CORPORATE SERVICES                 Merger and Acquisitions
                                                        Government permissions and approvals
                                                        Joint Ventures and Business Collaboration
    (i)  Formation of a Company
     We provide the service of setting up a Limited/ Private Limited Company with a name of your choice, getting the name approved from the Registrar of Companies and can help in completing all other formalities in this respect.
     After the initial formalities of  forming the company,  we can then help you arrange finance from banks and other financial institutions.


           (ii) Company Secretarial Services
        • The provision of resident directors and Secretary
• The provision of Registered office
• The custody and maintenance of statutory books and records of the Company
• The preparation of the requisite minutes of directors and shareholders meeting and the necessary 
         administrative action arising.
• The preparation and filing of returns with the Registrar of Companies.
• Any other administrative action that arises from companies activities.
E. FINANCIAL SERVICES                              Preparation of feasibility report
                                                             Tying up finance
                                                             Getting the required Government approvals
      • Maintenance of computerised reconciliation of all transaction of the Company or individual
• Periodical reconciliation of bank accounts
• Preparation of management accounts and annual draft financial statements
      Many clients are too busy running their businesses to devote time to keeping  of records. We therefore offer a full service of   book keeping and payroll which can cater for individuals need. Management reports can be produced to keep you in touch with business.
      If we carry out book keeping for your firm, we are at an advantage to advise you on any possible tax planning to minimise your tax liability.
     We are able to undertake specialist audit assignment of most types (including internal audit) and can operate on a one of project basis where required.
      Budgetting forms an integral long term financial planning tool. Professional accountants can assist business and individuals prepare budget using  best of financial information available.
     Budgetting although based on some degree of future uncertainty is an essential process which bears a relationship  with other areas of financial decision making.  Capital budgetting decisions for instance will have a bearing on future cash flow which in turn effects debt load, reinvestment and dividend payment. A time valued cash  flow analysis can be used by accountants to assist clients in long term decisions such as requisite pay back period for a capital project.
      Budgeting is useful means for determining the accurate break even point, as part of a benefit cost analysis when new investment is contemplated or when evaluating potential for borrowing funds. Long term success of investment decision is  therefore heavily influenced by accuracy of  information available and budgetting techniques used to evaluate cash flow of  revenue and expenditure. These are primary importance because they provide an increased understanding  about the effect of investment decision on the financial  health of the company.
      We can  provide valuation services of your assets for the purpose of either tax or for the purpose for arranging finance from institutions.
        We can help you prepare Project Feasibility reports to set up new business.
        Assistance with recruitment of  accountancy staff and attendance at interviews.

Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs) are commercial vehicles which combine the features of partnership and company form of business .The concept of Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) has been introduced in India by way of Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008 (notified on 31st March 2008).
      A Limited Liability Partnership combines the advantages of both the Company and Partnership into a single form of organization. In an LLP one partner is not responsible or liable for another partner's misconduct or negligence. In an LLP, all partners have limited liability for each individual's protection within the partnership, similar to that of the shareholders of a limited company. However, unlike the company shareholders, the partners have the right to manage the business directly. An LLP also limits the personal liability of a partner for the errors, omissions, incompetence, or negligence of the LLP's employees or other agents
L. Transfer Pricing and Procedure

Transfer price is the price at which a company sells its products or services to a related company or any of its divisions. . Hence it is a special selling price at which the products or services of the company are internally transferred. The Finance Act 2001 introduced the detailed Transfer Pricing Regulations (T.P.R.) in India w.e.f.1stApril 2001 corresponding to the assessment year 2002-2003. The sections and rules under the Income Tax Act, which deal with Transfer Pricing Regulations are sections 92 to 92F and rules 10A to 10E and sections 271(1)(c), 271AA, 271BA and 271G. The company shall prepare a Report on Implementation of Transfer Pricing documenting the compliance with the Guidelines and the Transfer Price Policy Statement.

We are well west in handling the following matter in the transfer pricing

• Advance pricing agreements (APAs)
• Dispute resolution
• Documentation and planning
• TP Audits


Contact us

H-61,Gobind Mansion, Connaught Circus, New Delhi-110001
T +91 11 45874900-08
T +91 11 45874910
Fax +91 11-43065194
M +91 9811045349